Letter to the Editor

Voting Fraud Needs to be Investigated


The writer of “A letter to Sen. Cris Dush” was concerned that Republicans had signed a contract with Envoy Sage to audit the PA 2020 election and identify any voter fraud that had occurred.

Envoy Sage has successfully investigated fraud and embezzlement in the oil industry, researched corporate mergers and exposed fraud in other areas. This company employees skilled US veterans, many trained be the federal government. Envoy Sage is a company that I would hire because I trust veterans and want fraud in voting exposed. I and other PA legally registered voters want to be reassured that our votes are being accurately counted and our voices heard. I consider the expenditure of $270,000 reasonable to ensure election integrity.

On the other hand, Democrats do not want an audit just in case there was cheating because they fear negative results. Democrats do not want to learn the truth, just continue to hide the lies. If they have nothing to hide why do they protest so much about the audit and claim loudly there was no fraud.

Governor Wolf’s wife Frances, by her own admission, was guilty of ballot harvesting in the last election. Since she is a Democrat, she won’t be charged the $1,000 fine for voter fraud nor will she serve a year in jail for her crime. After all, the governor’s wife made an alleged “Honest mistake.”

Regarding better spending practices mentioned by the letter writer, PA State employees are being offered 5 days paid leave to receive Covid-19 shots. That would add up to more than $500,000 of PA tax payer dollars.

Governor Wolf spent thousands of dollars for PPE which were stored in the State Farm Show Complex for more than a year instead of providing them to first responder sand frontline workings to protect them as they worked with people with COVID. Not only did Govern Wolf sit on much needed PPE but held the Farm Show Complex hostage as though it was his own personal storage compound and we, the people, couldn’t use the complex.

Now we lean that those PPE have been moved and are being stored in warehouses owned by Moran Industries in mid-state Pennsylvania which will cost taxpayers $3 million a year. It would seem that Democrats are okay with that wasteful spending.

Don’t worry Democrats, fraud or not, you will still have Joe Biden as your President.
For the next four years we will all be subjected to rapidly rising inflation that is causing everything to cost more. We will pay more for food, housing, gasoline, fuel to heat our homes and other goods and services. Under the Biden Administration the United State inflation rate rose to 6.8% in 2021, the highest increase since 1892.

It is clear that when the writer says the she wants the Republicans and Democrats to work togethers, what she really expects is that Republicans should step back and allow the Democrats to do whatever they want. I too would like to see Republicans and Democrats get along and work together to benefit all of the people of Pennsylvania, but not at the expense of the truth and my Constitutional and God-given rights.

Mabel Moyer
Mill Hall, PA



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