Preserve, Renew and Revitalize Western Clinton County

let-edTo the Editor:

On Monday, September 22, 2014 many of the people of the PRR Group started the cleanup of Erie and Huron Avenues and the Borough employees and outside help from the County have been very helpful in the cleanup of the streets. Curbs on Huron Avenue and other areas will be cleaned the week of the 29th. We hope to have the areas prepared by October 9.

Other thoughts that must be considered should be – what can be done to provide for a better future of Western Clinton County? How can we encourage economic development to aid in the revitalization of our general area? Is it possible that the separate municipal entities can work together to provide for a better future?

There are many subordinate groups that can work together to improve our outlook on the future. We must work as a team. The PRR organization is working with the municipalities to attempt to get help from the SEDA-COG of Lewisburg and also with the county planning office. It would be nice if the group that sponsored the old fashion hayride could be a part of the coalition to improve Western Clinton County.

The Endless Mountain group that made the locomotive and brown stone foundation at the east end of town has done a great job. We must congratulate the Heritage Park group for the good showing at their “mixer” at the Son’s of Italy.

In the past the PRR worked with the Community Trade Association (CTA) in the 2013 clean up. It would be nice to continue your interest in the community. Roy Darrin has been a great help to the improvement of the community.

To the past members of the community it is nice that you return to your hometown. This general community is a part of your past. If you have a heart for your old home town, remember the past, your school days, your church and remember the Renovo hospital (now Bucktail Medical Center) we need them.

A member of PRR,
Jack Bruno

P.S. The people that return were out sourced to another area due to no economic employment.

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