Letter to the Editor

RE: Inaccurate Portrait of America

In the July 22 letter to the editor, I read the “Fred Keller Shares Inaccurate Portrait of America”. I was shocked by the rant and rage in this letter, and here is why. Independence Day is about the birth of our Nation, it dates back to the 18th Century.

The explanation for an all white Continental Congress, was because there were no black men in the Continental Congress. We can not change history. Then the writer goes on to say about Gettysburg soldiers and Iwo Jima flag raisers, well they would be celebrated with Memorial Day. You could even classify them with Veterans Day.

The rant continues with the NYC Steele workers, they would be celebrated with Labor Day. The writer of that letter was upset women and black people not being recognized, but the truth be told, women and black people have very little to do with the history of Independence Day.

When you read the letter to the editor entitled “Fred Keller Shares Inaccurate Portrait of America”, you have to wonder why she would write a letter like this. Does She dislike Fred Keller that much? Did she not learn History?

Mabel Moyer
Lamar PA



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