LHU welcomes incoming students to for summer orientation

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Lock Haven University welcomed nearly 450 incoming students to campus for in-person orientation events during July – with even more attending virtually and at LHU Clearfield.

Orientations were half-day events, where students and their supporters had the opportunity to hear from a variety of campus offices, faculty and fellow students. Incoming students reviewed their schedules, received their student ID, interacted with faculty and other students and had an opportunity to visit their residence hall room.

The students painted rocks that will potentially be displayed on campus in hopes that they will return to The Haven as alumni and see the first “mark” they made on campus. Everyone also was invited to have lunch or dinner on campus.

For information about scheduling a visit to LHU’s campus, visit lockhaven.edu/admissions/visit/.
For more information about Lock Haven University, visit www.lockhaven.edu, email admissions@lockhaven.edu, or call 570-484-2011.

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