Letter to the Editor 7/15

In April I decided to run for Renovo Borough Council. I became concerned when area residents came to me about RBC holding alleged secret meetings behind closed doors, why Corporal Jefferies continued to remain on paid administrative leave and the mishandling of the 14th Street row homes.

I believe the members of RBC are elected to represent and inform the people of vital situations surrounding the community’s growth and overall protection. By withholding information you lose trust in those representing the community, and it creates great doubt that they have the community’s best interest at heart.

A few weeks ago I requested information from RBC secretary Marsha Davis under Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law (RTKL) seeking answers to why Corporal Jefferies remained on paid administrative leave, Officer Foley’s current status, and auditing Renovo Borough grants from January 2014 to the current date. Under the RTKL all government records in the possession of a Commonwealth or Local Agency are presumed to be accessible by the public. So I am well within my rights.

Since I learned Corporal Jefferies time has come to an end and K-9 Jordan has received his retirement papers. However, my investigation into grant money received by RBC is ruffling some feathers. My friends and family are now being targeted.

My friend is a mandated reporter. She was tagged in a post on Facebook by a resident that had a concern that a child may have been placed in danger. That ‘tag’ created controversy blaming my friend as being involved in my investigation of grant money, which is false! When one publishes a statement and it harms one’s personal or professional reputation it can have legal ramifications. My friend is a mandated reporter. His concerns of child endangerment were no joke. After almost 30 years in the field of child advocacy and getting laws re-written to protect children from abuse, I highly doubt she has the time. I, Maureen Ruhl, want answers for the concerned citizens of Renovo who have been silenced far too long. Our community is filled with people who want their voices heard and their concerns addressed.

There have been scant answers to questions raised about the power plant proposal. When questions have been raised, answers are promised but not forthcoming. That has lead to confusion and uncertainty among many residents. Do they not deserve their voice heard on such an important decision?

I am currently scheduling Q & A format on Facebook where taxpayers can come to me with their questions and concerns. When residents attend the regularly scheduled meetings, they are often dismissed and their questions go unanswered. The executive sessions where council members discuss topics, without the verification of minutes or notes taken, have become a substitution for real community dialog. Our citizens deserve answers. Several of the current Council members ran on the issue of improving police services to the community. However, they have not brought resolution to this ongoing problem. The fact they purchased a drug dog that is now retired.

Meanwhile, drug abuse is climbing and has become uncomfortably visible, all around town. There should also be mandated and random drug testing instituted by the Renovo Borough for their employees, after accidents, and RBC members. Most insurance companies require this step because it ensures public safety. I invite the RBC to join me in this Q&A. My hope is to get answers that only those within the RBC seem to know.

Maureen Ruhl



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