Letter to the Editor 4/15

Did you know that in 17 states in this country illegal Immigrants are allowed to vote?


17 States in this country allow illegal immigrants to go to the DMV and get driver’s licenses. When they are getting driver’s licenses they are also registered to vote. They do not have to have proof of citizenship. Those states are District of Columbia, Washington, Virginia, Vermont, Utah, Oregon, Nevada, New York, New Mexico, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, Hawaii, Delaware, Connecticut, Colorado, and last but not leased California. Incidentally 14 of those 17 states went blue in the last election.

Of the 14 states that let illegal immigrants vote and went blue in the 2020 election, 12 of the states changed their laws to allow illegal immigrants to vote since the 2016 election. I know I’m young, but if that does not scream election fraud nothing does.

If we the people don’t act soon we won’t have a country to fight for. We are already slaves to illegal immigrants. Our tax dollars are going to house illegal immigrants, while we have Americans homeless. We have medical care going to illegal immigrants, while American’s don’t go to the doctor’s because they can’t afford to. We have food going to illegal immigrants, while our elderly try to scrape up enough money to eat for one more month. We have American children out of school due to covid-19, but the teachers that are being paid to teach our children in our schools, volunteer to teach illegal immigrants. Some of those illegal immigrants have tested positive for covid-19.

I can’t understand why the Democrats are not worried about the cheating that went on in the 2020 election. It makes me sick when I think of all the men and women who died to keep this country safe and free (even democrats), then to watch Joe Biden and Kamila Harris turn this country into a circus.

Shawn Moyer
Mill Hall, PA



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