Letter to the Editor 4/15

ATV Trail to No Where

Chapman Township has proposed an ordinance for ATV’s to be able to ride on designated roads. These roads are in the town of North Bend and up the Summerson Mountain Road. There was a hearing on April 6th to get the public input on what the people want. By my count of the people who let their position know there were more people against than for the ordinance. When I took just the people who actually live in Chapman Township there was even more against than in favor. Many questions and concerns were raised and of all the questions that that stood out is the one a township resident asked about when ATV riders get to the end of Summerson Mountain can they legally ride on the state forest road. The answer was NO. They cannot now and they do not know when if ever they will be permitted. I cannot understand why the township supervisors are even considering an ATV Ordinance when there is currently know where for them to go.

It would literally make North Bend and Summerson Mountain Road a dead end. This makes absolutely no sense. There are already 777 miles of state ATV trails paid for by tax paying residents of the state. There are ample opportunities to ride they do not need our township

This on top of the fact that, both local and state are not allowed to pursue ATV’s due to safety. Most of the time they do not even try to stop them. This makes enforcement of this ordinance next to impossible which leads to a huge safety issue.

They say that by enacting this ordinance it will be an economically good thing for the township and surrounding areas. The only studies provided showed that property values adjacent to an ATV trail drop anywhere from 15 to 7.5%. That would cost the township tax dollars not make them. Nothing, but the mention of qualifying for grants (which are not guaranteed) was the only sources of revenue from the ordinance. When coupled with all ways this can and will cost the township the economics shows it will cost more revenue than it provides. If this ordinance is to be decided fairly then every township road should be included so that all residents share in the consequences it provides. We are all paying for it so letting the people decide is the right way to determine if the residents want it or not.

The township lawyer said that it cannot be put on the fall election ballot. That is false. According to Representative Borowicz office it can be but it must be done by the township supervisors and approved by the county commissioners by May. One wonders why the township lawyer would not know this. If the township supervisors truly want to represent the people they would delay the vote until it can be put on the ballot. Please attend the May 4th meeting or contact the township.

Todd Donley
North Bend, PA



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