Fundamental Change or Destruction of America?

let-edTo the Editor:

When Barak Obama was campaigning for President, he said he would fundamentally change America. It appears to me he is doing exactly what he said he would do. Some examples include ObamaCare, unsecured borders and the invasion of illegal immigrants, IRS scandal, “America leading from the rear”, adding over 7 trillion dollars, during his presidency, to the American debt (currently at 17 trillion dollars), 1/3 of all Americans on some sort of government assistance program, the assault on coal production, common core curriculum, new school nutrition standards, continued “attacks” on Second Amendment rights, and the dramatic reduction in the size of the U.S. military.

I do not agree with the path he has put OUR country on and from my perspective, the fundamental change is terrible for the future of OUR country. More disturbing is the manner in which the President is being allowed to change OUR country. OUR country’s government was structured with three equal branches, each having checks and balances over each other. The U.S. Constitution provides for the structure of the federal government and it consists of 7 Articles and 27 Amendments.

I am not a Constitutional scholar but it appears to me that the president and his administration may have violated several of these Articles and Amendments. I am sure there are many people who will dispute these possible violations.

The first possible violation deals with the President’s refusal to secure OUR country’s borders and facilitating the invasion of OUR country by tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and possible terrorists. Article 4, Section 3 of the Constitution states “The United States shall guarantee to every State…..and shall protect each of them against invasion”.

The second possible violation deals with the President’s refusal to enforce OUR country’s immigrations laws. He is not legally authorized to make arbitrary policies to change the current immigration laws. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution states “The Congress shall have the power…..To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”

The third possible violation deals with the President’s appointment of officials to federal agencies when the U.S. Senate was still in session. Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution states “The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate”. One Federal Court has already ruled that he violated the law.

The fourth possible violation deals with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) which originated in the Senate. The President had help from Congress with this possible violation. Obamacare mandated fees for people who do not purchase insurance. The Supreme Court ruled the fees were taxes which are revenues for the federal government. Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution states “All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives”.

The President says that he must take action with his pen and phone because the Congress will not do anything. If the matters are so urgent, then the president should convene the Congress to resolve the urgent matters. Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution states “he (President) may on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses…he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper”

The Obama administration also continues to push programs such as the Common Core Curriculum and school nutrition initiatives that should be local issues. Amendment 10 of the Constitution states “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the State respectively, or to the people”.
These possible violations and many other presidential actions could possibly make people wonder if the President is honoring his oath of office. Article 2, Section 1 states “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

It appears that there are many other issues that Americans should also be concerned with. One of those issues is the ongoing efforts to divide OUR country. I am tired of the President, other politicians, bureaucrats, media and other “special interests” groups dividing America into left, right, conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, white, black, Hispanic and so on. We are American citizens and we should not be sub-divided. United We Stand, divided we fall. We must remain united. It appears that the English language was a major reason American became a great nation—the beacon of democracy. We had a way to effectively communicate and become united. For America to truly remain United, We need to have English as OUR official language. Not to mention this could save America “tons of money”.

Another issue that should concern Americans is the news media reports on immigration. Some reports basically state that politicians are pushing for immigration reform because businesses and corporations say they cannot find people to fill the vacant positions. But there are more Americans out of work now than ever before. Maybe the politicians are just trying to build their political base and corporation are looking for cheaper labor.

It appears that the world has benefitted from America’s participation in world affairs. Our presence in Europe and Asia has enabled countries like Germany, Japan and Korea to grow into economic powers. Because of OUR purchasing power, China has become an economic powerhouse and a growing military power. OUR contributions to the world are too numerous to try and list. Breakthroughs in medicine, space exploration, manufacturing, and aeronautics are just some of the areas that have helped make the world a better place.

If the on-going destruction of OUR country continues, what do we, OUR children, and OUR grandchildren have to look forward to. It will be difficult for OUR country to survive unless we make changes to governmental operations now.

We must form a united “front”, as Americans, to resolve our country’s problems or we may become a second rate power in the “trash heap” of former great nations. The first step we must take is to have OUR elected officials admit that there are serious problems confronting America and have them work together as one unified body of Americans—not Democrats and Republicans. Difficult times require strong leaders who will stand-up and fight for what must be done. Has anyone seen many of these leaders? Strong leaders would stop all “pork-barrel” funding; significantly reduce, if not eliminate, all foreign aid; and modify or rescind all free trade agreements. Regarding the trade agreements, there has already been too much outsourcing of jobs overseas and it appears that the free trade agreements have been a major force in the outsourcing movement.

From a national security perspective, we must secure OUR borders and rebuild OUR military. A country and its citizens must be secure from enemy attack. OUR military is quickly being reduced to a size not seen since the 1920s. How can anyone truly justify this reduction with world turmoil not seen since World War II? America must maintain a strong military. The terrorist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda have vowed to attack us again and raise the ISIS flag over the White House. Russia and China are flexing their military muscle. The stability of countries in such places as the mid-East and on the African continent could serve as breeding grounds for more terrorists.

The illegal immigrants must be deported! They are draining local, state and federal governments’ tax revenue. American taxpayers are being forced to pay for the illegal immigrants’ medical care, housing, schooling, and criminal activities. The politicians and bureaucrats say it will cost too much money to deport illegal immigrants, but no one says how much it will cost to keep them in OUR country.

From a government operations perspective, we must reduce federal regulations, streamline the tax codes, and prosecute politicians, bureaucrats, and political appointees who break the law. The first federal regulation that must go is Obamacare. Return health care insurance back to what it was before Obamacare was enacted. Then modify the insurance regulations, medicad, medicare, and Veterans’ Affairs programs as needed to provide insurance to those who want it, but cannot afford it.

Maybe the time has come to stop electing millionaires and career politicians into office. Maybe we need to start electing “average” hard working Americans who understand the importance of not spending more than they make. Maybe it is time to elect Americans whose only “stake in the game” is providing a safe and secure future for their families. Maybe the time has come to elect Americans into office that owe nothing to major corporations, other millionaires and billionaires, or political interests groups. The time has come to stop electing democrat and republican politicians. The time has come to elect Americans who want what is best for OUR country, not what is best for their political parties.

I am a proud American who wants to see OUR country, the United States of America, survive for at least another 238 years.

Joe Bauer

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