Clinton Medical Associates to Resume Office Hours

LAMAR TOWNSHIP — Clinton Medical Associates is to resume seeing patients on Thursday of this week after a reported computer failure led to an unannounced closing after business hours on Wednesday of last week.

Last week’s closing of the 20-year-old primary care facility was followed by a release from CMA head Dr. Michael Greenberg:

“Recent rumors and a hasty message recorded on Clinton Medical Associates’ phone system indicate that CMA will be closed “until further notice”.  CMA had a sudden, unexpected failure of computer and linked communication systems Wednesday evening.  The failure precluded notification of patients for which I sincerely and deeply regret.  A new system will be installed early next week that will permit the clinicians and staff to continue to offer the personal, patient-oriented, service excellence, medical care that CMA has provided since 1994.  I personally apologize for the inconvenience to CMA’s patients and friends.

Michael Greenberg, MD”

There had been no one at the office along Route 64 on Thursday of last week and patients arriving for appointments were unable to gain access or obtain anything more than a pre-recorded phone message which said the office would be closed indefinitely. The announcement from Greenberg was then issued to the media; staff was back on Monday of this week with normal operations to resume on Thursday.

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