Game Commission to host annual waterfowl briefing on Facebook live

HARRISBURG, PA – Hunters and members of waterfowl organizations are invited to virtually attend the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Annual Waterfowl Briefing, which will be streamed live via the agency’s Facebook pageOpens In A New Window, on Wednesday, March 10, at 1 p.m. The briefing will be recorded and a link will be available to view online at
During the live briefing, Game Commission Waterfowl Biologist Nate Huck and Wildlife Management Program Chief Ian Gregg will be discussing the proposed 2021-22 waterfowl hunting seasons, proposed regulations, proposed federal frameworks and the 2020 waterfowl hunter survey results. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.
“We’re looking forward to hosting the annual briefing live on Facebook this year,” said Huck. “This meeting is usually held in-person, but in an effort to reach more people and due to safety concerns related to Covid-19, it will be held online this year. Those who are interested in learning more, and weighing in, on issues related to waterfowl hunting in Pennsylvania are encouraged to attend.”
Proposed 2021-22 waterfowl seasons, as well as the 2020 waterfowl hunter survey results, have been posted online at and can be accessed by searching, “Waterfowl Hunting and Conservation.” Those planning to tune in to the live briefing are encouraged to review the proposed seasons in advance.
Public comments on the proposed seasons can be submitted via email to or via mail to Pennsylvania Game Commission, Bureau of Wildlife Management, 2001 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797 through Sunday, March 21.
With public comments and results of the 2020 waterfowl hunter survey in mind, Game Commission staff will prepare and present the recommended 2021-22 waterfowl and migratory bird seasons, bag limits and related criteria to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for final approval.
All migratory bird hunting seasons and bag limits must conform to frameworks set by the USFWS. States select their hunting seasons within these established frameworks. Final seasons will appear in the 2021-22 Pennsylvania Hunting & Trapping Digest.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission manages and protects wildlife and their habitats and promotes hunting and trapping for current and future generations. Visit for more information about Pennsylvania hunting and wildlife.