Nearly 200 complete annual Frozen Snot up Bald Eagle Mountain

Photos/information courtesy Clinton County Visitors Bureau
MCELHATTAN, PA – Neither COVID-19 or temperatures in the teens and a snow/ice covered course could keep nearly 200 participants from completing Saturday’s ninth annual Frozen Snot trail race.
According to information provided by the Clinton County Visitors Bureau, participants enjoyed the conditions, many saying the snow helped buffer any falls; there were no injuries, other than a few cuts, scrapes and sore muscles.
90 participants finished the 13.5 mile course and 101 finished the 8.3 mile link. Justin Beatty of Williamsport crossed the line first in the long course, with a time of 3 hours, 51 minutes. While it was his first time to compete in The Snot, he’s familiar with the local trails; wife Summer registered him for the race as a Valentine’s Day present.
Brian Hess of Mohnton, PA finished second, and Allen King of Mill Hall was third across the finish. Mendy Gallo of Kingston, NY was the first female finisher and 12th overall, with a time of 4 hours, 17 minutes. Meira Minard of State College was second (14th overall) and Sheena Mowers of Boiling Springs, PA, finished third (16th overall). The last racer to cross the line came in at just over eight hours.
In the short course, Drew Funk of State College finished first, with a time of 2 hours, 19 minutes. Josh Boyer of Lewistown was second followed by Brock Rider of Spring Mills. The first female finisher on the short course (9th overall) was Larie Hall of Winburne, with a time of 2 hours, 45 minutes. Second place female (11th overall) was Jillian Heller of Nanticoke, followed by Corina Robbins (19th overall) of Howard. The final racers on the short course finished up in just under seven-and-a-half hours.
Runners came from seven states and they weren’t disappointed with the challenge. Race Director Luke Ebeling and a small army of Frozen Snot volunteers that numbered more than 70 made it a perfect day for all participants. In addition to individual volunteers, credit also goes to Wayne Township and Sugar Valley Volunteer Fire Companies and the Clinton County Department of Emergency Services. The City of Lock Haven serves as the race sponsor and has been a strong supporter from day-one for this winter event. The Maguire Family, owners of Restless Oaks Restaurant in McElhattan really stepped up and were amazing hosts as the race start/finish this year was held at their location when the Reserve Center across the street was unable to host the race. Additional sponsors included Redmond’s Complete Comfort, LLC; Dunkin’ Donuts; Love Disposal, Inc.; Little Caesar’s; and Oregon Hill Winery at Old Shoemaker Estate, who welcomed racers Friday evening for wine tasting and race pre-registration.