Letter to the Editor

Pennsylvania legislators want to take away one of your fundamental rights. You should be mad.
HB38, a constitutional amendment, will take away your right to choose all 31 Pennsylvania appellate judges and replace it with choosing only three in your small slice of the state.

Sponsor Rep. Diamond thinks that the courts need regional representation. He is confused. That’s his job. A judge’s job is to be impartial, independent, and true to an oath to defend the constitution of the entire commonwealth.

HB38 with judicial districts is a terrible proposal. It will dilute your vote and expand the corrupting influence of unlimited campaign money and lead to extreme partisanship. We have that dysfunction already in the General Assembly. HB38 will also distort the balance of power among the three co-equal branches of government.

More states are moving to merit selection with non-partisan retention votes. This removes the influence of donors, parochial interests, and judicial districts drawn to favor the state majority party. This option is not yet available in PA.

Better to stay with our current system. It spreads the influence of money and partisanship across the entire state and prevents gerrymandering altogether.

Don’t let them take away your right to vote for ALL Pennsylvania judges. Voting for only 3 of 31 judges is totally unacceptable. Call and email your Senator and Representative. Find them at www.legis.state.pa.us. Tell them not to steal your vote with HB38.

Debra Trudeau
State College, PA


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