Letter to the Editor 1/14

20/20 vision is excellent eyesight, BUT, looking back, 2020 hindsight is anything BUT having been ‘excellent’! (Referring to the year 2020)

2020 presidential election-year events as they unfolded-

1.)-In early 2020 the Wuhan/China virus was released into the U.S. and onto the world by China… purposely!
2.)-On January 22, 2020 W.H.O. Finally declared that the China-released-plague/virus was transferrable human to human.
3.)-Early 2020 Pres. Trump shuts-down the country on recommendation from Dr. ‘Doom’ Anthony Fauci and the medical science community.
4.)-The virus is tagged the worst pandemic to hit the world since the Spanish flu in 1918.
5.)-By Summer and into the Fall of 2020, the U.S. economy tanks…

– Now ‘rewind’ a bit and let this sink in –

6.)-December 18th, 2020, the House votes to impeach president Trump… But doesn’t submit the articles of impeachment to the Senate until over a month later… Why, you ask !?.. Consider 7-14.
7.)-The Wuhan/China virus is warned about by Taiwan in mid-November, 2019 (or at the latest, late December 2019).. But the warning was kept ‘under wraps’ by both China and W.H.O. (world health organization) until mid January, 2020, when it was finally acknowledged by both players.
8.)-January 14th, 2020 the virus is declared non-communicable human to human by W.H.O (as prompted by the Chinese party)… My. My.
9.)-January 15th, 2020… Oddly enough OR, coincidentally enough- ‘Phase-One’ of the China/U.S. Trade Deal (hated and resented by the commies) was signed.
10.)-Also, on January 15th, 2020- Low and behold- The ‘Malig’-Nancy Pelosi House Speaker’s seven member manager panel finally marched into the well of the Senate with articles of impeachment of the President.
11.)-January 21st, 2020, the Senate impeachment trial began.
12.)-January 22nd, 2020- W.H.O. FINALLY admits the virus IS contagious and IS spread human to human.
13.)-January 31st, 2020- President Trump shuts-down arrivals from China into the U.S.
14.)-February 5th, 2020, President is acquitted of all charges.

Amazing! The time frame of the virus release, the signing and initial implementation of ‘Phase-One’ of the China/U.S. trade deal, the distraction of the impeachment trial, the economy collapse, the DNC and Media blaming of the virus disaster on the President. ALL culminating with the fraudulent 2020 election and- VOILA ! Here we are! Conspiracy Theory -You Say!? Hmmmm!?

The quest for power and in this case, the creation of a necessary mutual collaboration between those that stand to benefit from the ‘ousting’ of Pres. Trump, possibility rings true (or at the very least, has merit). Remember, “Adversity Creates Strange Bed-Fellows”! China is a ‘God-less’ world-dominating adversary and the Democrat Party furtherance of a Socialist form of government, lays the groundwork for anything… In my opinion!!

As I await a ‘knock’ on my door- “ G’morning Mr. Johnson. Come with us, please. We have a few questions to ask you”… GULP! (President Trump, please save a ‘pardon’ to issue in perpetuity… I’ll probably need one)

Paul Johnson
Breesport, NY



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