Letter to the Editor 11/19


Fair ?? That’s what is held in Pennsylvania’s Clearfield County each summer (great family event, by the way). Fair- as to the 2020 Presidential Election? Not so great. In fact if you could compare it to something, in my opinion, it would be a dogs-hind leg (or as crooked as). Explanation? How does a President that has done SO much for this country get 73,000,000+ votes and lose? To an opponent that received 78,000,000 votes, you answer. Ha. The only way possible is, either there are 78 million ill-informed voters OR the ‘dogs-hind-leg theory’, is the answer.

According to the pre-election hype from the DNC, there was a “Blue-Wave” about to wash-up the shores of EVERY state across America. Be it the U.S. House of Representatives’, the U.S. Senate and ALL individual state political offices throughout the country. That didn’t happen. In fact, quite the opposite did. It can be explained in one sentence- Republican candidates’ rode the coat-tails of the President’s 4 year credentials into their respective elected offices, or in other words, “The Coat Tails Won, but the Coat Lost!”… Or did he? President Trump says, “Don’t bet against me!”  I’m NOT.

As Yogi Berra once said- “It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over”


Paul Johnson

Breesport, NY



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