Letter to the Editor – in response …


Letter to The Editor:

In response to the,’Liberal’, from Mill Hall (Oct.17th), that so, liberally and progressively, responded to my view (reproduced verbatim as submitted, I might add…I wonder why the editor chose not to correct any spelling errors?). Now, as to where our Nation is headed under this current Administration__ and this will be my final analysis as to, ‘why we are where we are’. One thing I’ve learned over my 68 years on this Planet (the one next to where the ‘Mill Hall-er’ said Michele Bachmann, ‘space-caded’ from), is that ‘you’ don’t argue with, try to reason with (even with ACTUAL facts_not lies, I might add), or try to convince, reverse, or expose a Democratic way of thinking…aka..TAX AND SPEND! ‘They’ drag ‘you’ into a pool of, whining, lying, demonizing, and toxic verbal fumes and beat you, then drown you with experience.

As I recall, American History, (our political system of governing), is divided into 3 Branches_ Legislative, Executive and Judicial. (We already know that Eric Holder has contaminated the Judicial Branch beyond description, so we’ll by-pass that.) As to the, ‘Roost-Ruler’ ( as the liberal respond-er described him..being our, ‘commander-in-chief’) of the Executive Branch. I don’t believe his title is, Absolute-Ruler. It seems to me we have a, House of Representatives, and, Senate, supposedly to keep the President from being, ‘Roost-Ruler’, or to keep, him/her, ‘in-check’ , so to speak.

In five and one half years, this President has ‘ballooned’ our Nation’s debt by over 7 Trillion dollars_to somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 Trillion dollars and climbing… projected to be 20 Trillion soon. THAT, Mr. Liberal, is unsustainable. Of course Bush is to blame for that, right? Not that Bush didn’t,’run-up’, our debt he surely did. But there was 2 wars on Terrorism to content with, that he passed on to O’bama. But guess what_ Terrorism, is passe ! No more, Iraq or Afganistan, to bleed our country’s finances, thanks to O’bama..Yeah, right !_tell that to the four American’s that perished in Benghazi, and to the ‘wack-jobs’,in Iran, and to the rest of the Middle East. We (as a nation), are being bled-dry by Social Programs here in the U.S., not by war in the Arab World. Welfare is running rampant, Food Stamp use is astronomical. Able-bodied workers can’t find full time jobs. A huge portion of them,’run-out’, the 99 weeks on unemployment, then get a doctor (flooded w/ forms) to sign a phony disability form so that they can collect SSI Disability, and so it goes. The number of working-age Americans that are NOT working now totals 100,000,000(‘fact-check’ that, Mr. Liberal).__This is, CHANGE!? No, this is our, ‘Roost Ruler, in action! And once, ‘O’bama Care’ is fully implemented, this,’House of Cards’, we’ve become under this present Administration, collapses like a, ‘cheap-tent’. Our only hope is that, The House, can keep ‘Him’ and the rest of this, Progressive, Liberal, Social, leaning governing body, ‘in check’…Our only hope to survive as, The Once Prosperous Nation we raised our families in, is to oust the Liberals in the Senate at the polls in 2014 and then send O’bama packing in 2016. And, ‘God-Forbid’, voters are asleep enough to elect Hillary Clinton as President! Flush the Toilet if that happens!

Paul Johnson

Breesport, NY

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