PRR Needs Your Help

let-edRENOVO- With the successful clean up last fall, PRR of Western Clinton County is continuing in its efforts to revitalize our community. The river is one of Western Clinton County‘s greatest resources which has been neglected for years. The only way to improve the situation is for all of us to roll up our sleeves and pitch in to help.

PRR hopes that the community will once again step up and support this project. We are asking for volunteers to help clean up the river bank in Renovo this spring and South Renovo next fall. This will entail getting rid of trash, trimming brush, and cutting up downed trees. The cleanup will be held on May 10 starting at 9:00. We will meet at the Flaming Foliage lot. Gloves, bags and vest will be provided. Volunteers are asked to wear long pants and appropriate footwear. Trucks and gardening tools (clippers, pruners, chain saws, etc.) are needed. Donations of water would be greatly appreciated. This will be a great opportunity for anyone with an outdoor wood burner to get fire wood.

PRR is working on long range projects for our communities. It is hoped that the success of this project will lead eventually to the creation of a river walk and a community park at the high school lot on Ontario Avenue. By working together all of us can make a difference. PRR can’t do this alone. If there are any questions call 923-2620 for additional information.

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