LHU College of Liberal Arts and Education Receives Continued CAEP Accreditation
LOCK HAVEN – Lock Haven University’s College of Liberal Arts and Education recently received notification of continued accreditation by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). At its Oct 21-25, 2016 meeting in Bethesda, MD, the Selected Improvement Commission of the CAEP decided to continue the NCATE accreditation of the College of Liberal Arts and Education at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania at the initial teacher preparation and advanced preparation levels.
According to the report, “This accreditation decision indicates that the education preparation provider (EPP) and its programs meet rigorous standards set forth by the professional education community.”
Lock Haven University is known for its long history of excellence in teacher education. Founded in 1870, the Central State Normal School was chartered to prepare teachers for the public schools. Subsequently, changes in its mission led to changes in name, to State Teachers College at Lock Haven (1926), to Lock Haven State College (1960), to Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania (1983). The last name change occurred when the State System of Higher Education was created and Lock Haven University joined the 13 other universities within the State System.
Gradually, the scope of the institutions commitment to education has broadened. Emphasis was first given to Elementary Education, with Kindergarten and Primary grades, Intermediate and Junior High levels, and Secondary Education added later. When the Commonwealth moved beyond the concept of an exclusively teacher’s college after 1960, Lock Haven State College became a dual purpose institution with undergraduate and graduate curricula in both education and the liberal arts.
As an accrediting body, CAEP ensures that programs meet standards set by organizations representing the academic community, professionals, and other stakeholders. Universities like LHU typically undergo review every 7 to 10 years. According to their website, “CAEP advances excellent educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 student learning.” As a professional accreditor it reviews departments, schools, and colleges which prepare teachers and other educators. To find out more about CAEP, visit their website at, caepnet.org
In addition to the continuation of NCATE accreditation, LHU received special congratulations because the Commission cited no areas for improvement relative to any of the standards. Dean Susan Rimby shared, “I am pleased and proud that CAEP has seen fit to recognize the excellent work of our teacher education faculty, staff, administration, and students. CAEP accreditation is the gold standard for teacher education programs. Aspiring education majors can matriculate to Lock Haven University confident that they will receive the best teacher education possible, preparation that enables them to teach all children successfully.”
For more information on Lock Haven University, visit www.LHUP.edu, email admissions@LHUP.edu, or call (570) 484.2011.
Lock Haven University is a member of Pennsylvania’s State System, the largest provider of higher education in the Commonwealth. Its 14 universities offer more than 2,300 degree and certificate programs in more than 530 academic areas of study. Nearly 520,000 system alumni live and work in Pennsylvania.