LH Watershed Timbering Earns $$$

Rich Marcinkevage
Rich Marcinkevage
LOCK HAVEN — The first round of timbering on Lock Haven’s watershed has brought the city water authority $141,900.

City manager Rich Marcinkevage Monday night provided city council an update on the timbering program which began last April and continued through the end of last year. He said the dollars earned will flow to the City Authority, to provide capital for city water department needs.

Marcinkevage lauded the work of the project contractor and said the timbering will continue “at least for a few years.” The harvesting is done on watershed acreage in Wayne and Greene Townships, most of last year’s work done in the vicinity of Ohl Reservoir in the Rosecrans area of Greene Township, he said.

Marcinkevage said the improvements will keep the wooded land sustainable into the future. He also reported the authority received $63,531 in “carbon credits,” money provided the authority for the volume of wood on the watershed and the resulting volume of carbon credits.

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