Trump, Colbert and Stewart?

let-edLetter to the Editor:

So you put Donald Trump in the same category as Colbert and Stewart?.. Interpreted  to mean_ ‘sick, foul-mouthed’, comedian.  It cracks-me-up to see how actually afraid of Trump, the Democratic Party, and its disciples really are… even the ‘Establishment’ Republicans, fear him. It used to be, all the demeaning- Dems had to do was accuse! That sent any Republican (in their ‘crosshairs’) scurrying. Oh my!- Racist, Homophobe, Anti-Women, Anti-Poor, Anti-Abortion, War Monger, Mean Spirited, and now, worst of all Anti-Amnesty. Republicans, ‘kow-towed,’ and tried to high heavens to prove those accusations simply weren’t true. ‘The Media will portray us as villains’. ‘The public will hate us.’ We’ll never get them in our camp if we don’t deny the accusations.’ That was the Republican, mottos-operandi, up to the infusion of The Donald . Accusation? That was all the Progressives had to do to get the proverbial ‘High Ground.’   Viola! Onto the scene appears The Donald. And that all changes.  You accuse him, and the ‘crosshairs’ reverse.

Trump is simply saying what the Conservative Base thinks, in his approach to winning back this country from the abyss we have been tumbling into for the past 6 ½ years . Crude? You bet he is. Truthful?  That too! Maybe ’Crude’ is what it’s going to take to get the Republican Party to acquire what Bruce Jenner  is prepared to relinquish? And if you don’t know what that is, then you’ve missed the boat entirely.

As to polls? You can skewer them any way you want. They are intended to ‘influence’ not reflect. Bottom line The ‘Silent Majority’ is no longer silent… thanks to Trump.  And the, ‘Change’, as evidence by the bloated, welfare rolls…the food stamp recipients.. non-workers ( I refuse to call them the unemployed) and the dismal state of our nation in general, comes to a screeching halt and none too soon. And that‘Change’ hopefully will take place in 2016…God willing.

Trump is not my choice, as I said before. But his ‘cohones’ are certainly a breath of much needed fresh air, to a party that has been under a rock since obtaining majorities in both Houses of Congress. And for the House and Senate Republicans, lack of the above mentioned intestinal fortitude, shame on you. Conservatives voted overwhelming majorities in both Houses of Congress, to stop this madness  that can only be called,  ‘social leaning government’… To stop the Democrats, not work with them. They (Dems) march in lock-step. They don’t compromise.

And by the way, you mention, ’Moderate Republican.’ That is one beast that has to become extinct. Democrats don’t recognize that identification. Other than to take advantage of same. One would have to assume, to define that term, it would mean,’one willing to work across the aisle with the other party’. The Democratic Party of today is not the party of the past. Today, they don’t ‘work’ with anyone. It’s their way, or the blame way…aka… ‘government shut down’.. ‘going to throw granny over the cliff’, and so on. ‘You don’t ‘work-with,’ ‘you capitulate- to’, or be accused.  Part of why we are where we are, is as much to blame on the hapless Republicans, as it is this administration and Democrats. Hopefully Trump has lit a fire under the spineless Republicans and they’ll fight instead of cowering…..we’ll see.

Paul Johnson
Breesport, NY

(Editor’s note: This letter is in response to Down River July 16.)

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