Renovo Heritage Park Announces Murder Mystery Play ‘It Happened in East Keating’
By Christopher Miller
RENOVO – The Greater Renovo Area Heritage Park is proud to present their 2025 Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre event It Happened in East Keating.
The show will be on Saturday, April 12 with a social hour beginning at 5:00 p.m. & the show starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Elks Lodge in Renovo. A turkey dinner will be served between Acts 1 and 2. Tickets are $30/person.
Written by Record Reporter Christopher Miller and Columnist and Local Historian Lou Bernard, It Happened in East Keating follows notable names of the region’s historical past in their journey to uncover the murderer of one of their own.
Tempers begin to fly when the locals of the East Keating Township area converge on their nearby watering hole for drinks and casual conversation. After heated discussions and family feuding, one of the bunch is found murdered in their cabin.
With local names such as Dorcie Calhoun, Seth Nelson, Loop Hill Ike, John Rohn, Hiram Cranmer, and The Swamp Angel, this show combines historical Clinton County characters from the 19th and 20th century in a “who-dun-it” style show. Also among the bunch are a storyteller, a witch, a supernatural bounty hunter, and a psychic.
The show will also feature raffles and themed musical selections performed by local musicians.
If you are interested in being an actor during the show, please reach out to Mary George Rhone at 570-927-0117.
Tickets are available to purchase online at