CMHS Celebrates Student Achievement, Tackles Curriculum Head-On CMMS Presents Events Happening at School
By Christopher Miller
BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP – Representing Central Mountain High School, Clair Bowman presented the updates from the high school to the school board.
“We are currently in winter sports more, with basketball, swimming, wrestling, and bocce ball in full swing, we offer a congratulations to Chloe Corbin for her advancement in the state a cappella jazz festival and many students in SkillsUSA for winning their competitions, especially Sofia Dressler for winning first nationally last year in technical math. It is important to acknowledge both academic and athletic accomplishments. We have students leaving to participate in district choir and a cappella.”
“Student government is beginning to tackle curriculum by looking at graduation and credit requirements, electives, and our concerns about curriculum and the job market as they are changing. This is the first time in the district’s history that we have the opportunity to impact curriculum and have open-minded and respectful conversations. We know that curriculum changes will be a huge and complicated task”
Claire then went on to thank the board and administrators for allowing them to make change and giving them a space to have a voice.
“There is much more open communications and we cannot thank you enough…it is so much easier to talk to you, Dr. Redmon, than in the past with other superintendents, we are sad that the seniors won’t get to see a huge change in curriculum, we know we are setting up the younger ones for success with the relations we have created,” Bowman added.
Board member Elisabeth Lynch then asked Bowman how she knows what in the curriculum to tackle.
“We want to create pathways that students can take like CTE, but to create them more related to student interest like math and science, literature/english, language, and something for the students that do not know what to do…we want to set them up for success,” Bowman ended.

Next, school board members heard from Mia Barth representing the middle school.
“We successfully had recognition rallies for students with impressive games and positive behavior. This year our staff thought it would be a good idea to attempt a fire drill from the cafeteria, and we successfully made it out of the building in under one minute and for middle schoolers, that is impressive. Central Mountain Middle School has successfully exited school improvement status. We are proud to be wildcats. The exciting Trench Ball Tournament will be taking place at the end of this month. We also held a Snow Ball Dance which was a hit with other 500 students in attendance. Finally, thank you to our student PBIS team and everyone at the middle school for making our school a great place to be,” Mia concluded.