BENV Kiwanis to hold Christmas Around the World!
LOCK HAVEN – The Kiwanis Club of Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley’s is gearing up for a fun filled Christmas event to be held Sunday, December 1st at Central Mountain Middle School from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.
Each year the Kiwanis Club of Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley’s hosts a free Christmas themed event for kids ages 12 and under at the Central Mountain Middle School.
“The event last year was so much fun! It was the “Grinch” theme. We had a really nice turnout” said Amy Strong, Kiwanian.
This year the theme is “Christmas Around the World”. It will focus on how other cultures around the world celebrate Christmas. Some of the craft stations will be focused on Japan, Germany, Ethiopia and Brazil. The event is FREE for ages 12 & under. There will be free books, crafts, treats and a table of baskets to raffle off. Kids can write letters to Santa and meet Mr. & Mrs. Claus!
All kids will receive an entry for the raffle baskets, however, there is an opportunity to earn more raffle tickets and help your community at the same time. Bring new or gently used children’s coats, hats, gloves or non-perishable food items to support local charities and get extra raffle tickets!
“Last year was the first time we included the donation option and it turned into a huge success. People were so generous! We were able to give back to the community because of their kindness” said Penny Meyers, Kiwanian.
Chartered in 2012, the Kiwanis Club of Bald Eagle and Nittany Valleys meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm on the third floor of the Sons of Italy in Lock Haven. For more information on meetings, programs and events, or membership, please visit or