Attention Voters

let-edTo the Editor:

You don’t vote? Shame. A lot of people in many countries wish they could have a voice in their government. Voting is one of the greatest privileges an adult American citizen has.

Here people are pondering about their candidacy for our next president. Some who are mentioned are worthy for the position but some would be better to stay out of it. I feel we should get away from the Washingtonians and get some new untarnished blood in our system. If you are as sick as I am with the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas, you will study your candidates carefully.

I have no doubt about my choice. I am 100% for Ben Carson. He is black and that should appeal to a lot of people. He is very intelligent, which is something we need. His mother worked three jobs to make life the best for him and his brother.

He was raised in Detroit and Boston and currently lives in Maryland. He is a retired Neurosurgeon and an author of a number of books. I have read “America the Beautiful” and if nothing else I got a refresher course in American history. He spoke of how our government was established and how far we have veered off course.

He has spoken to a lot of organizations around the world so he is known.

Which other candidate can match that? So take your pick and get out and vote.

Lois Romanak
Renovo, PA

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