BHE Eastern GT&S Volunteers Restore Brewery Hollow Cemetery

By Autumn Gavlock 

RENOVO – BHE Eastern GT&S volunteers took on the task of restoring Brewery Hollow Cemetery earlier this week. The cemetery had become overgrown and neglected, prompting the team of 24 members of BHE Eastern GT&S employees to roll up their sleeves and get to work. These men and women poured their efforts into the project, spending a total of five hours transforming the cemetery back to its former glory. Their hard work and perseverance did not go unnoticed, with the results speaking volumes. The once-overgrown cemetery is now impeccably revived.

A special mention must be made to Bruce and Joanne Ransom, whose generosity provided the volunteers with a much-needed break. The Ransoms graciously opened their barn, offering a place to rest and refuel with lunch, ensuring the team had the energy to continue their admirable efforts.

The success of this volunteer event serves as an excellent example of the positive impact that can be achieved when a community business comes together for a common cause. The community members and families of those laid to rest in Brewery Hollow Cemetery deeply appreciate the dedication and efforts of this team.


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