David Lindsay into State Semi-Finals Match Saturday

HERSHEY-David Lindsay arrived in Hershey, Pennsylvania Friday morning looking for an opportunity to win his second State Title in three years. David, District 6 Champion, played District 1 runner-up Etan Sun bright and early this morning at 8:00 am at the Hershey Racquet Club. Sun, a freshman from Coestoga, came out swinging in the early going and hit his spots. Sun went up 2-on in the first set. But just when Sun thought he was going to upset the returning runner-up from last year, David woke up and stepped up his game. David got it going and didn’t hold back.

David’s next opponent was another freshman. District 7, Champion Advaia Sincar, from North Allegheny. Sincar, played exciting tennis to earn the right to play David by winning in 3 sets in the round of 16. David started with the serve in the first set. It didn’t take him long to win the first game. The two switched sides. David broke Sincar’s serve with a smashing shot down-the-line to get the break.

Lindsay mixed up his shots well and kept Sincar off rhythm to take the first set 6-1. David didn’t let up. He kept the pressure on Sincar and took the second set, 6-1.  “David followed one good shot after another and played consistently the entire match against Sincar. He got better and stronger as the day went on,” said Coach Brinker.

David will play  Cooper Lehman tomorrow at 8:00 am.

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