Letter to the Editor

Renovo Rail and Bucktail Medical Center

Is the walkway being installed near the Water Street Bridge for seven and a half million dollars (7.5 million) a needed benefit to the Lock Haven area? Will it improve the quality of life for those who walk? Is it possible the walking lifestyle of walkers will improve significantly enough to ensure better health results? 7. 5 million dollars!

About fifteen years ago a group of Renovo area citizens formed a committee to start an industry called Renovo Rail. They opened a bank account and deposited a few hundred thousand dollars. They went to Lock Hover for a grant of five million dollars to remodel- to bring up to date the one remaining building of the former Pennsylvania Railroad shops. Renovo was denied. About three or four years later, the group went back for three million dollars. Denied again!

But about twenty years ago a new roof was installed on that building. The original building can be used to build new railroad cars or repair old ones. The cars can enter near the Erie Avenue entrance and exit near the mountain end. The Storey building! Rails can be laid from the PRR building to the Storey building which can be the paint shop. It is perfect for painting because it is heated.

Rails have to be laid even in the Storey building and possibly the doors would have to be enlarged to accommodate entry and exit of cars. What is more beneficial to a community.
Renovo – an industry that could employ – 50-75 workforce for five million dollars – industry that could improve the lifestyle of families parent + children.

The other two and a half million dollars could be given to the Bucktail Medical Center that employs a staff of about eighty; some who attend to -patient care – others to the maintenance of the buildings Or is it more beneficial to spend seven and a half million dollars on a walkway.
If Bucktail Medical Center closes, eighty jobs will be lost and that could have a crippling effect on the few remaining businesses.

Is it possible for the personnel who make decisions about who receives grant money to allocate 7.5 million dollars for both a Renovo industry- Renovo Rail and the Bucktail Medical Center
Once again and I repeat, what is more beneficial to improve the quality of life in Renovo/South Renovo, an industry and Medical Center or a walkway in Lock Haven for $7.5 million dollars?

Respectfully submitted,
Michael Sette
Renovo, PA

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