Letter to the Editor

Voting with integrity


Election day is coming fast and there are many candidates that asking to be elected to office. Thefiy inundate the airways; TV; newspapers; road signs, etc. with their promises and proposed programs. But who are they – really – who are they? Do you know who they truly are and are their promises realistic and attainable?

There are far too many politicians in office now that are there not for the good of the country but for their own gain and power. As a result, our country is in a sad condition and has lost respect among many nations. Whose fault is this? It is the fault of every voter in this state and nation. I hear people talking about voting for someone only because of their party affiliation. Or they vote because they hate someone and anyone affiliated with that person. Sometimes they feel sorry for the candidate.

Wake up folks!! We all need to step back and take this voting privilege more seriously. When any candidate has to peddle hate, they have an agenda that sure isn’t going to help our country or us. When they can only see one party as the “cure all” for the nation and state, that should be a warning sign. All political parties have some people in office and running for office that we used to call “shiesters.” There are also a lot of good people in office that take their job seriously. It is our job to weed them out.

We need to look at a candidate and see if they respect the laws of our country and state. Without laws, we will quickly deteriorate and lose our freedoms. Our legislative branches have the duty of making the laws and the judicial to see that they are adhered to. Is the candidate qualified for the job they are seeking and in the past, have they made empty promises or can you trust their word? Is the candidate going to respect the laws and apply them to everyone and also represent all people regardless of party affiliation? After all, we are one nation under God.

Please take time before election to find out more about the candidates before you make a choice. Check their websites. Call your political party headquarters. Talk to someone you know and respect that might know about the candidates. Just be sure to vote and to take this privilege seriously. And remember, no political party has all the best candidates. We have to sort them out so whoever is elected will represent the people from all political parties.

Linda C. Danis
Avis PA


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