Pete Smeltz – Commissioner
Smeltz Announces Intent to Run for a Second term as Commissioner
LOCK HAVEN – Incumbent, first term Clinton County Commissioner, Pete Smeltz (R) has announced he intends to seek a second term as a county commissioner. Smeltz was elected to the current term as county commissioner in 2011. Robert “Pete” Smeltz entered into the political realm for the first time just about two years after he had retired from 35 years of service with PennDOT, under which he served as the Clinton County Maintenance Manager during his last 13 years. Smeltz says, “I’ve enjoyed my 3 plus years working with Commissioner’s Jeff Snyder and Joel Long. I’ve found my lifelong skills to be an asset in helping me and the Board of Commissioners as whole deal with the challenges of managing county government. My skills coupled with those of my fellow commissioners have allowed us to accomplish some good things and we have a vision for the future of the county to do even greater things.”
Smeltz currently serves as chairman of the Board of Commissioners and represents the county on numerous boards and commissions such as the Clinton County Economic Partnership Tourist Promotion Committee and Operating Board, the Solid Waste Authority, Workforce Investment Board, Lycoming- Clinton Mental Health and Intellectual Deficiencies Joinder, County Planning Commission, Natural Gas Task Force, Local Emergency Planning Committee, and various other committees and sub-committees. Smeltz is also the county governemnt representative on the statewide Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund Board.
Smeltz is a graduate of John Harris High School in Harrisburg, Pa.and attended Harrisburg Area Community College before beginning his career with PennDOT. Smeltz moved to Clinton County in 1981 and resided in the Sugar Valley Area, where he was active in the Sugar Valley Lions Club and served as president. Currently he is active in the Lock Haven Kiwanis and an active member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board. He is also a member and Elder in the Mill Hall Church of Christ.
Smeltz resides in McElhattan with his wife Deb who recently retired from Keystone Central School District. They have two children, both attending college, a son Robbie who is a senior at Millersville University and daughter Sarah who is a junior at Mansfield University.
(Editor’s Note: “therecord-online” welcomes candidacy announcements from those seeking elective office in the Clinton County spring primary election of May 19. Our policy will be to run announcements from those seeking a county row office, including district attorney, all will be sized equally with a picture as submitted by the candidate. Placement of announcements from other municipal candidates across the county will be treated in a similar manner. Announcements will be run as submitted by the candidate. The “record-online” does reserve the right to edit such announcements, if the content is deemed inappropriate or grammatically incorrect).