Flaming Foliage Festival

Convertibles, trucks needed

RENOVO, PA – This year marks the 72nd Pennsylvania State Flaming Foliage Festival, an annual event that occurs the second full weekend of October in Renovo.

This year it will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday – October 8, 9 and 10.

It is a time when many friends and family come back home to visit and enjoy the weekend.
The event celebrates nature’s beautiful colors and views and includes arts and crafts, vendors, food, a parade on Saturday, the queen’s coronation and more.

Convertibles and trucks are needed for the Flaming Foliage Parade on Oct. 9th. If you can help out, please call 570-923-1923.

If you or your group or organization would like to enter a float in the parade, call 570-923-1923 or go to the website www. pastateflamingfoliagefestival .org




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