Letter to the Editor 10/23


I recently listened to the Joni Mitchell song Banquet. It seemed to reflect the times we’re living in. “Some get the gravy, some get the gristle, and some get nothing, though there’s plenty to share.”

America is like that song. We are the richest country in the world, and we have the capacity for every American to live a full life. Every American has the right to be born to a healthy and safe family. To get an equitable education. To work a full time job without having to struggle to make ends meet. To have land, water and air around us safe to use, now and in the future. To be treated as a human, no matter our religion, age, gender or color.

“Who let the greedy in, who kept the needy out?” sang Joni Mitchell. These are things we really need to reflect on in terms of our American values.

Sue Morris

Mill Hall, PA



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