LHU to Temporarily Suspend On-campus Instruction in Response to COVID-19
LOCK HAVEN, Pa. — In response to the global coronavirus outbreak, Lock Haven University officials have been closely monitoring the spread of the virus and have made the decision to temporarily suspend face-to-face instruction following spring break.
“At this time, Lock Haven University has no reported or confirmed cases of COVID-19,” said LHU President Robert Pignatello. “This is a pre-emptive action aimed at preventing the potential spread of what the World Health Organization has designated a global pandemic and federal officials warn will worsen across the country. So, early interventions like this, which are consistent with many campuses here in PA and elsewhere, matter.”
Face-to-face instruction will be suspended for the week following spring break. LHU faculty will use the week of March 16 to prepare their courses for remote and online modes of instruction.
Courses will resume by remote instruction on Monday, March 23 and continue through Friday, April 3. Face-to-face classes are expected to resume normal delivery in classrooms on Monday, April 6, which is subject to change. For those students currently enrolled in online courses, both undergraduate and graduate, classes will resume on Monday, March 16 as scheduled.
During this time, students will be expected to temporarily live off campus and residence halls will remain open to house a limited number of students. Students needing to live on campus between March 16 and April 3 must provide a justifiable reason for doing so.
Given the rapid global spread of COVID-19 and the rate at which the situation continues to evolve, LHU has suspended all international travel and domestic travel will be evaluated on case-by-case basis.All university-sponsored non-athletic events and gatherings are cancelled through April 3. In addition, the university will be restricting visitors to campus.
At this time, regular administrative operations for the university will continue, and university staff will report to work as usual.
All university offices will remain open, but hours of operation may change. University officials will continue to monitor the situation and make decisions that are in the best interest of the health and safety of the campus community.
“I know our dedicated faculty, coaches and staff are committed to helping our students complete their studies this semester with the flexibility necessary to do so, and as little disruption as possible. We are grateful for that,” Pignatello said.
A hotline has been established at 570-484-3700 for students and parents with questions regarding this decision. For more information, visit www.lockhaven.edu/virusinfo. Questions also may be sent to update@lockhaven.edu.