LHU’s Price Auditorium Gets a Reboot
LOCK HAVEN — A multi-million dollar improvement project for Lock Haven University’s Price Auditorium is nearing completion, although interior work won’t quite be done in time for the start of the school year.
The $2.2 million renovation covers what the university calls “selective demolition” and includes new wall and floor finishes, acoustical wall panels and ceiling clouds, new seating, new doors and hardware, new toilet finishes, a new stage surface, new heating and air-conditioning and electrical and lighting work.
Improvements are also being made along Glenn Road. The exterior work includes widening the existing roadway, a new ADA accessible sidewalk from the Glennon Building to Price Auditorium and new retaining walks, railings and lighting. The work began in mid-May.
Contracted outside work has an Aug. 20 end date while the Price interior renovations have a Sept.8 end date. Classes for the fall semester are to begin Monday, Aug. 28.