Words of Grace – Oct. 30, 2014

WordsOfGraceJesus said that when we hear about wars and commotions in the end times, “be not terrified,” because “these things must first come to pass” (Luke 21:9).

We know what wars are, but what did Jesus mean when he spoke about commotions? Jesus was referring to a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion, revolution, anarchy, and insurrection in the last days.

What should we do when we see these things begin to come to pass? What are we supposed to do then? “Look up,” Jesus said, “and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (v.28).

Looking up and lifting up our heads is a description of prayer. David said that he will direct his prayer to God in the morning, “and will look up” (Psalm 5:3). Jesus “lifted up his eyes to heaven” as he prayed, according to John 17:1.

Clifford Lewis encourages us to look up to God in prayer with these lines of poetry.

“When doubts or fears your pathway dim, Look up to God! Let sorrow draw you close to Him, Look up to God! He will banish every fear, wipe away the falling tear; Trust Him now for He is near. Look up to God!”

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